Monday, November 14, 2011

Let's Get Old!

The phrase "staying young" is somewhat of a contradiction in terms, given the immutable progression of time. After all, that 7 billionth kid that was born last week somewhere in the world is getting old too - it's not just you and me. I'm not particularly interested in looking like this well known old timer on the right but I do intend to do my best to keep mind and body alive and well functioning until it's my time to move on. Is it worth the effort?

If you don't think so, then all I have to say is "You gotta be kidding!"

Do you want to spend your life feeling worse and worse until you long for death as the only solution to the pain and discomfort you're experiencing? You may think that a rhetorical question, but look around and you'll see most people don't seem to care very much or, perhaps more kindly, just don't know that there is a better way. It is my very well-founded belief that many of the ills we suffer today can be avoided if we really want to do so.

A Better Way

Huge advancements in nutritional science and the art of healthy longevity have been and are being made daily. Sorting it all out and screening it for that which holds promise takes a little effort, but since our well-being depends on it, we've got to make a go of it. Methusalah came from hardy stock and I think we can say they just don't make 'em that way any more. Nonetheless, we can thank him and his family for setting the bar so high that we really have something worthy to aim for.

Therefore, the aim of Methusalah's Uncle is to search out the most useful information available on getting and staying healthy. Do I have a degree in nutrition? No, I don't, but proper credentials never got in my way and I don't have time for FDA approval! What you will find here will be documented with sources, so you can judge its merits for yourself. Much of what you read will have to do with taking care of your immune system and fighting free radicals, for which there is not only excellent science available but some wonderfully effective products, many of which I use and can heartily recommend from personal experience.

So don't be mistaken; I'm serious about this!

- David Ryan

Study: Curcumin Supplement is Safe and Effective in Osteroarthritis Patients

by Dr. Jim Wilmer, Ph.D

Osteoarthritis (OA) is known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease and represents a group of mechanical abnormalities involving the degradation of joints, including the cartilage that grows at the ends of bones as well as the erosion of bone immediately under the cartilage.

This loss of cartilage and bone is painful, causes stiffness, and results in the affected individual minimizing activity and participating in fewer social outlets. Millions of elderly people in the industrialized and in developing countries are affected.

Effective treatments for this debilitating condition are few and far between, and basically involve the use of high doses of pain-relieving drugs, corticosteroid treatment, or, if a suitable medical infrastructure exists, surgical intervention. Generally nutritional supplementation is not effective; however, curcumin has been shown to be an exception to the rule.

At the molecular level the principal characteristic of osteoarthritis is an imbalance between inflammatory and anti-inflammatory signals in the cells that form cartilage and the sacs of fluid that surround the joints. An increase in the inflammatory signals can cause cartilage to stop regenerating itself and stimulates the degradation of cartilage by specific enzymes. As the joints are destroyed by this process, inflammation increases dramatically, resulting in even more damage and pain.

A recent eight-month study on 100 volunteers with clinically defined OA was conducted to assess the safety and effectiveness of curcumin extract. The group was divided evenly into 50 curcumin-treated and 50 control patients. After eight months of study all of these tests were conducted again to determine the physical and behavioral (social and quality of life) changes. The results were as follows:

  1. Pain was reduced in the curcumin group by 2.3-fold
  2. Stiffness was lowered by 2.3-fold
  3. The ability to do physical functions was improved by 2.5 times
  4. Strongly significant improvements in social and emotional functions and general well-being were observed in the curcumin group
  5. The treadmill test indicated that individuals in the curcumin group improved by 3.9 times in physical performance compared to the control group
  6. The amount of inflammatory protein markers in the blood of the curcumin-treatment group decreased significantly compared to the control group, suggesting that curcumin can regulate in a beneficial manner the activity of all the major inflammatory components involved in OA, and
  7. Curcumin treatment reduced the use of pain-killing drugs (NSAIDS, acetaminophen, celecoxib) by 63%.

In conclusion, the clinical data showed that a low dose of curcumin greatly improved the quality of life for those individuals with OA, and there were no signs of toxicity observed in the curcumin treatment group after an eight-month period of daily ingestion. Since OA is a chronic disease, continuous treatment with curcumin should be possible.

Dr. Jim Wilmer, Ph.D., is the Chief Science Officer for nutraMetrix Custom Health Solutions. Dr. Wilmer oversees product development, product evaluation and related scientific issues

(Interested in curcumin? I highly recommend this: )